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Financial StatementsYour financial statements – ideally the impressive confirmation of careful planning and consistent implementation!
The seemingly completely standardized preparation of annual financial statements actually requires more tax know-how than many entrepreneurs anticipate. Even companies or newly-formed start-up regularly underestimate the positive – or even negative – potential of this compulsory business exercise. Even in the tightly woven net of legal requirements, there are often opportunities to utilise unused subsidies or scarcely known depreciation options. With a standpoint from the “meta”-perspective of the experienced lawyer and tax consultant, I can spare my clients some legal pitfalls and fiscal mistakes.
In addition to the preparation of the balance sheet and accounting I provide comprehensive expert advice to you throughout the financial year, to ensure the company takes the right turns throughout the year and thereby help shape a successful annual report. A monthly or quarterly “Jour-Fix” appointment can ensure that corrections are made with sufficient time to make adjustments such as changes to earnings. Anyone who carefully plans the economic and fiscal framework in advance and takes into account alternative scenarios, does not get into the trouble of having to improvise and publish potentially faulty results at short notice. Let’s plan your business success now, I look forward to your call!
Make an appointment now!Where others see a problem, I offer legal competence, experience and fresh ideas.

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