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goDigital - Tax Advice 4.0What is still called tax consulting today will change radically in 5 to 10 years!
Business 4.0 needs tax advice 4.0
Business 4.0 needs tax advice 4.0. Based on the term “Industrie 4.0” (Industry 4.0), which was created at the Hannover Messe in 2011, the counterpart “Wirtschaft 4.0” (Economy 4.0) quickly developed, which is now used as a collective term for all possible aspects of the individualization and digitization of economic and social processes. In fact, my areas of expertise as a tax consultant and lawyer have massively expanded in the face of the challenges of ever-accelerating virtualization in politics, economics and law – a good reason to introduce “tax advice 4.0” and actively help to shape it. In my experience, one should not be completely uncritical of the constant availability and storage of millions of data and information every day – but use the economic and personal advantages aggressively and with an eye on the future. As a committed ambassador and competent “bridge-builder”, I like to act both as a traditional tax consultant and one that utilises the digital and highly flexible “tax advice 4.0”.
The paperless office
The paperless office still appears to many entrepreneurs, managers and the self-employed as an absolute and barely realizable utopia of the euphoric 80s, 90s and 00s. Numerous visionary advances in terms of bureaucracy and paper reduction have come up against new regulations and documentation obligations that hinder the paperless revolution and even make the most optimistic revolutionary despair. I counter this dogmatic and highly emotional discussion with a thoroughly pragmatic, uncomplicated and actually implementable approach.
The ever-growing challenges of digitization and ever shorter half-lives of products and services require, in my experience, a real paradigm shift and corresponding professional and up-to-date consulting services. My complementary fields of competence also tackle this critical topic and give you tangible benefits. Every sheet of paper, every folder, and any non-digitally usable information saved will make you fitter for the digital future. Get in touch with me to gain access to the technologies of the future as early as possible.
Make an appointment now!Where others see a problem, I offer legal competence, experience and fresh ideas.

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